I don’t go shopping as often as people think. Even though I’m a clothes horse! Many of my pieces in my cupboard are years old, due to the fact that I’ve always been a size 8/10 for about 20 yrs now.
I started going shopping for my own pieces when I was about 12 and developing a more womanly body. It was with my older sister who encouraged me to always buy the nicest underwear I can imagine (and afford in the future) because ‘you never know when an ambulance crew might have to cut you free of your clothes! So you want to always have nice undies!’ That’s her advice to me!
So a random walkabout at Centrecourt shopping centre in Wimbledon led me to the massive SALE signs on Ann Summers shop windows. Considering I haven’t bought some ‘petty undies’ (as opposed to ‘functional’ undies) in a looong while, I thought “Let’s take a look!”
So here are the results:
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idyNVIz4_sE[/embedyt]