Anti Ageing Acupressure Facial Massage for Busy Women

The Goddess Style of Beauty

Happy Youthful Female Face

So as you now know, I had a few topics that I wanted to share with you, one of which was suggested to my husband after reading a report. It had so much to do with my “Engaged Parenting” method.

Unfortunately having a poorly child for the last 1.5 weeks and myself feeling a little blah with the same cold, I needed to change the direction the morning of my decided shoot.

I wanted something that will also help lift my spirit.

Facial massage, in the context of anti-ageing, should really be done every day.

So why should you do facial acupressure massage?
  1. It helps with anti ageing and keeping your skin youthful
  2. Massaging your skin helps absorb skincare more potently
  3. It triggers your body to release hormones good for healing
  4. This 5 minute of self-care is necessary for good mental health!
So how do I make it work with a busy motherhood schedule?

As a busy mum of 4, I try and incorporate things that are necessary with things that need doing. For example, when I’m showering, I wear special scrubbing gloves and massage my entire body while soaping up.

Not only do I get clear skin, but I also increase my blood circulation and get a little massage at the same time by increasing pressure in certain areas.

So when it comes to facial massage, as I mentioned, you can do it either at the start of the day and/or the end of the night.

I have been known to be so tired after a long day, after removing my make-up, I took a blob of salve in my fingers, plopped on my bed and massage my face to sleep!

Every time you are ready to start the day, why not make it a habit to give your face that quick plump-me-up 3-5 minutes of care? With your normal skin care (which ALL women should have by the time they are teenagers):

  • Give your face those movements to help with circulation and to fight gravity.

And if you enjoy it for yourself, why not try it on your loved ones? I am pretty sure the partner or a child will love it. Mine does!! 🙂

So have you got more questions, please feel free to ask me! I am here to help solve your niggling problems.

If you have enjoyed this tutorial, why not take a look at my other massage tutorial?

Blog post updated on 29th April 2019.


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