Big Announcement: Rainbow Hair Going, Going, Gone!

The Goddess Style of Beauty


Ahh… I can’t believe I’m finally doing this!!

Do you love my colourful, unicorn/rainbow hair?

What if I tell you I’ve made a decision to say goodbye to these crazy colours? Will you still love me tomorrow? ☺️

Well… a decisive decision I’ve made! A month before my birthday. A birthday which number means healing in numerology. I’ve decided to heal my hair and scalp.

I’m putting my health as my priority as always and this means my hair health too. As someone suffering from hypothyroidism, keratin production ain’t so hot in my physical system.

What now you ask?

Well, here’s my latest YouTube vlog explaining what’s happening. Tell me what you think.

(My recent post on Instagram where you can see the vibrancy of my rainbow colours)

If you yourself want to have colourful rainbow hair, check out my post on how to maintain it:

Keen on what I have bought recently? Check these below.