Blogmas Day 13/14: How to Work Those Hips Dance Tutorial

The Goddess Style of Dancing


Everyone it seems is always mesmerised by Shakira’s music and even more her dancing skills. Her hips truly don’t lie right? 😉

Every time I teach a class, I always get asked if I can show how she does her ‘thing’. She has lots of ‘things’ that are so special so here is one of them.

A lot of belly dancing moves involve the hips, rightfully so, as it’s the centre of our gravity. And in the case of my Belly Goddess Dance Therapy, it’s always about igniting the ‘kundalini’ or the base chakra. It’s like lighting the main furnace in order to get everything going in the house. 

Enjoy this little tutorial and the short demo dance with Shakira’s music. 

P.S Did you see the earlier post on how to Dance in Heels? 


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