
  Yes! It has been another weekend filled with events. Tiring, running-around-while-DH-is here kind of weekend. It didn’t help that I was having a cold. I was thankful that it didn’t last as long as flu, no fever, no chills. Despite a slightly blocked nose, I feel good today and...
My last post was all about me releasing things that were just excess baggage in my life, literally. I had to say goodbye to things that I know I worked really hard for to buy and own, and used with love they were. (well cared for/preloved) Many of those things I'm...
Now that the non-holiday cobwebs are slowly leaving my foggy lack-of-sleep brain, I have to get back to reality of life here in The Hague. That reality is that we are moving away from here to set up life in the Swiss/French border due to my DH’s new job. I’ve...
Wow! Time flies when you’re having fun they say, well ‘they’ are too right! I felt like I’ve just professed my love for my perfect other half (significant other) just recently and today we’re crossing another milestone, another year of married life. Hmm…it’s so hard to believe that these ‘young at...
By the time you read this blog, I'll be down for the count so to say. Hopefully, I'm in the land of deep sleep, in a sterile condition, surrounded by an expert and his assisting team. I'm finally going for an operation that is necessary and no matter how I've...
Today I wanted to share what I have suddenly realized after weeks and months and years of sending my DD1 to her horse riding lessons. Giving my mummy’s encouragement and sharing lessons I’ve learnt as a rider myself. I mean, week in, week out seeing similar things, you’re bound...

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