Do You Believe in Serendipity or Coincidences?

Reveal the Real You, Let Serendipity Into Your Life

Do you believe in serendipity? Or coincidences? Or chances? Or maybe some of you believe in fate?

Today when I was out and about in town, I had an idea that I wanted to go to a particular boutique in Pavilion. Yet when I reached the floor where the boutique is, my eyes pulled me to look at another boutique. My heart was telling me to go walk there instead. I’m used to this happening.

So walk to this other boutique I did. It was a boutique selling a particular brand of luxurious Malaysian designed clothes. Most of it were on sale and I enjoyed that! Bought myself a much needed long skirt and a smart dress I could use for future speaking engagement. Both on 50% discount. I thought this was the reason why the Universe asked me to walk in here instead.

Then I walked back to my original destination. A brand I’ve just discovered, that makes clothes for real women, with real figures. As I started perusing the rack, I heard a voice. I turned to look at this voice who seemed in a rush and realised its a woman I know.

I’ve seen her a few times at high society events, we’ve barely spoken, yet I know who she is. I know she’s very affluent and is known to many in the higher echelons of Malaysian society. I said hello to her. She didn’t recognise me and I told her about the few occasions we’ve ‘bumped’ into each other. She was looking at some clothes and was moaning about the lack of sizes for the ones she liked. She kept moaning about how fat she is. She picked up a dress and I shared with her how she could wear it to disguise her size, with tips on accessories and how to carry herself in those clothes.

She seemed to not listen to how beautiful she could look in those clothes and kept grabbing her “love handles” and repeating how fat she is! It then dawned on me she could be one of those women who goes shopping for more clothes and more clothes and yet feeling really awful about her body.

I then quietly asked her, “Do you know why you’re fat?”

“Hmm…I think I’m eating too much rice… Maybe this fasting month will solve my fat problem”

I told her that it may not necessarily be her fault that she’s overweight. Her ears perked up. I shared also that there are more reasons why someone is overweight and can’t seem to lose weight easily. There’s for example, hormonal imbalances like hypothyroidism or oestrogen issue, liver problems, allergies or even just food intolerances issues. She asked me why I know so much about this issue. I told her I’m not only a certified Weight Loss Master Coach I’m also a certified Holistic Therapist.

I said gently, “If you’re looking for serious help with your weight issue, I’m able to help you not only look beautiful, I can help you FEEL completely beautiful….”

She asked me why I didn’t share what I do during those occasions we’ve met. I told her it was not the right moment and I don’t share until I’m asked to.

“That’s it! Give me your name card! Are you free …(date given)..?”

“And please, do not tell our mutual friends that I’m seeing you and seeking help. They don’t need to know I need help.”

I assured her I am very discreet and that my professional code of conduct means I don’t share names of clients. She gave me a kiss, said thanks and told me to wait for her call.

Then she was gone, in another rush..

It dawned on me this is the reason why I was “told” to go to the other boutique first. The Universe wanted me to wait to “bump” into her so I could speak to her in private. If I had not listened to my heart and the instruction from the Universe, I would not have met her and confronted her issue and we’ll be doomed to always meeting at society events elusively.

Have you ever heard your heart tell you to do and say something else than you originally wanted or thought? Did you ignore it? Did you feel comfortable ignoring it?

And when you did listen, did something amazing or maybe serendipitous happened? I’d love to hear your own stories!


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