Got Dark Under Eye Circles? Here Are Some Reasons Why and The Products I Use

The Goddess Style of Beauty

under eye circle care, under eye bags, dark circles

So you’ve got dark under eye circles huh? Before you run off to buy the next make up touted to cover it best, watch my vlog here ?? first.

As a certified holistic therapist, I like to know the cause of the symptoms before I give advice to a client on how to fix them. This is so important as you can keep throwing solutions to a problem but it’s akin to throwing money to the wind until you really know how and why.

As someone who suffers from life long illness and one of the setback is having mild insomnia, I know dark under eye circles. Because I know the reason for my under eye circles, I now know much better how to deal with it.

Once YOU know the reason(s) for your own under eye circles, you can now better manage them. Be it through food management (if it’s food allergy for example) or through good makeup if you are genetically pre-disposed to them as mentioned in my vlog above.

Woman with a brush under eye right eye to show how to apply concealer.
Applying under eye concealer

The skin under the eye is the most sensitive and thinnest on our body. This is the reason why we have to take extra good care of it. Through a combination of good, healthy diet, good sleep, healthy exercise and good skincare, we are able to maintain the elasticity of this fragile skin.

And most importantly, whatever happens or how slow the dark circles seem to fade away, love yourself and your imperfections. There’s only one of you and that one set of skin around the eyes. Take good care of yourself, hug yourself everyday and look in the mirror and say “I am a Goddess!”

Big smile for your mirror, Goddess!

These are the products I mentioned using in my vlog above. (They contain affiliate links. It doesn’t cost you any extra to click on them but it means I might get a tiny % to keep this blog going if you do buy them.)

If you want to want to see how I clean my make up in the evening and do a little massage routine, read the blog post here:

I mentioned about today being the anniversary of my life changing operation in the video. Click the link here if you want to read about it.


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