How I Maintain and Manage My Rainbow Hair

The Goddess Style of Beauty


Having had my colourful hair now for almost 2.5 years has meant a lot of time spent taking good care of it. I have had to relearn certain things about hair care and maintenance especially in regards to bleached hair.

When I meet new people, naturally they are attracted to my crazy colours, be it in a good or bad way. Generally most people are genuinely intrigued and want to touch it and ask more questions.

Many even told me they wished they had the guts to have even a sliver of pink or blue or dark purple somewhere but somehow ‘society’s judgements’ stopped them from committing this artistic pursuit.

After many questions asked on the colours I used and how I maintain it, here’s my latest YouTube video with me sharing all my ‘secrets’.

Below are the products I mentioned in my video. These are affiliate links. It doesn’t cost you anything to click through to Amazon from here, though it means a lot to me. I might get tiny funding to keep my blog going. Happy window shopping!


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