How Not to Let Monday be Manic


Happy Cat? Or Stressed out Cat?

In the history of the working world, many office workers have been dreading the end of Sunday (the weekend) and the start of Monday (the working week). As a self-employed entrepreneur, I haven’t had to deal with this emotion in a long, long time. But I must admit, I was once walking amongst those throngs of people who look like they are being tortured at work. Here are a few simple steps to make your working week more enjoyable. If not, at least tolerable.

  1. Work at a job you enjoy! There’s nothing worse than being forced to go to work, at a job you hate, working with people you can’t care for and feeling like you’re not appreciated.
  2. Cannot find a job you enjoy? Work at your passion! There’s a saying, work at your passion, and you’ll never have to work another day in your life. I followed that advice years ago, after feeling the stress of working just for the sake of making money. I ended going back to entertainment work, teaching a dance I was passionate about and ended up working less, for roughly the same amount of money.
  3. Do not let your job be the end all of your life. There’s more to you and your life than your job. Your job is not necessarily who you are. If you are fired tomorrow, will your identity be taken from you too?

    A favourite family activity on vacations.

  4. Find an anchor of happiness for you at work. This ‘anchor’ could be a picture of you and your family/friends on an island holiday or a memento of something you’ve done you really enjoyed like a piece of string from a rock climbing expedition. So long as when you look at it and touch it, it brings a smile to your face.
  5. Make sure you make a creative use of your weekends/free time. Tell yourself that you’re an interesting person, with skills beyond your job. Even if no one knows yet that you’re adept at say, finishing a 500 pc. jigsaw puzzle in 2 days, YOU know.
  6. Do not forget to make time to see your friends and family. Have coffee/wine etc. and let the conversation run away. There’s something cathartic about being able to share your angst, pain or happiness with others who care. But beware of negative people who seek to bring others down to their level.
  7. Take time during the week to exercise. And I don’t just mean of the physical kind. Yes, yes, yes! We are all too busy to go for a walk or go to the gym. Exercise can be done at home too. Be creative about it. I have decided that I really do not care to go out walking/running in winter (my Asian genes are winning) so I am enjoying my Xbox 360 Kinect and doing household work with the music cranked up high. My body doesn’t feel like it’s exercising and my soul enjoys the music. About that mind exercise? Whether it’s reading self-help books, brain gym or meditation, your mind plays a big part in your feeling happy or manic. Remember that!
Here’s a simple exercise that will be included in my upcoming “Deskxercise” book.
Shoulder down, chest inhalation
  • Sitting at your office desk, pull up your spine towards the ceiling. Immediately feel that space created between your chest and your lower abs.
  • Keeping your chin parallel with the floor, look straight ahead.
  • Take a deep breath without lifting your chest muscle too high.
  • Holding that breath, pull your arms slowly towards the floor.
  • Now feel the muscles in your chest (pectorals) really being engaged and the knots in your neck and shoulder slowly relaxing.
  • Now slowly breath out and lift your shoulders towards your ears.
  • Shoulder up, breathe out

  • Feel your diaphragm slightly contracted and the sides of your torso lengthening.
  • Do this at least 2/3 times slowly to really feel the effect of the relaxation on your spine, chest and neck.
  • Remember to always keep a slow relaxed breathing.


    • Ar'nie
      Thank you Claire! That pic was taken when I was in the first week or so preggie with baby number 3.!! I wasn't feeling all that 'hot' actually! :-)
    • Ar'nie
      That is my plan but bear in mind, this is a temporary website actually. I"m dying to blog that I didn't want to wait for the full site to be ready! :-) Thank you for reading by the way!!