How To Walk With Confidence


A lot of people were taught how to walk as babies aided by their parents. But not many were raised to walk properly. This means poor posture makes it look like one is walking with a slouch.

The Walk

Learning to walk with confidence is really easy to do as it’s a simple technique to learn and adopt quickly. The good thing about learning to walk properly and with confidence is that it’s very important for your physical health too.

A good posture and a good walking posture not only gives you an air of confidence, but it also improves your muscles structure. When the muscles are working harder, you actually burn more calories this way!

It’s actually a win-win situation in my book! That’s why I shared the secret at the end of my tutorial! 😉

If you are not a spring chicken and think is it too late for me to learn? Don’t worry! Not many people were raised in a home that sends their young ones to a deportment class or finishing schools as some call it so it’s never too late to learn a new skill.

Click the link below and let me help you restart to learn to walk properly. Walking with a good posture not only makes you look more confident, but it actually ends up giving you confidence!

(Below is a small gallery of photos with some sample of the postures I highlighted in my tutorial. If you are reading this from a mobile device and it’s blank, click on the space below)

Enjoyed watching this tutorial? At the same time, how about checking out my other tutorial playlist?

Apart from my reading this blog, have you also read my other beauty and wellness blog post about skincare?


  1. Norma
    Excellent points! We are so busy that we forget to keep a good posture by standing nice and tall. Having a good posture also helps with our back and neck pains.
    • Chief Goddess Ar'nie
      See?? I love this example! Thank you for sharing! Everyone will assume you are a powerful strong person and accord you the respect even though as you said, inside you may not always feel that way. <3