I Was Feeling “Meh” for Weeks Then I Changed One Habit. Can You Too Find Yours?

The Goddess Style of Living


As you can see from my vlog, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed but somehow underwhelmed at times. It’s what you call ‘feeling out of sorts’. That is the feeling when someone asks you how you’re feeling, all you can imagine replying is ‘…meh..’.

The kind of feeling that if left unchecked can slowly lead to depression. But before that, it can leave you feeling colourless, devoid of music and vitality.

This topic must have resonated with lots of my fellow social media followers as my recent post on my Instagram account about it, garnered quite a few private messages and a lot more ‘saves’ than my usual posts.

The key to getting out of that funky ‘meh’ feeling is to recognise it quickly, i.e. your trigger(s). Then find the one thing that can help you get over it. If you watch my vlog, you’ll know what my one easy solution was.

I hope you are doing fantastic this week. If you are not, remember it’s OK to not be ok. It’s normal to feel down once in a while. What is not good is to keep quiet about it and to be afraid to ask for help.

Remember that there are many people out there who are capable to help you out of your funk. If you’re too shy to speak to a close friend, then I am available to speak to you as your life coach and mental health therapist.

Have you read my other mental health topics? Do check out these blog for more tips. Have a great week further, my goddesses!

Photos of mood of happiness and sadness


  1. I think it’s normal for us to have several MEH days and that’s fine because it’s really not about what you go through with, but how you get yourself out of it. So yes, it’s okay if you’re not okay.

    Life is not always PERFECT. It’s the bumps in the road that make things more interesting.

  2. I have had the “meh” mood once this year. What change it was practicing yoga and meditation every day. It changed how I view things and how I felt about myself (and my surroundings).

  3. You are one powerful and inspiring woman, and it’s so natural that you get to admit that you also have what I call “low” days. It’s an imperfect world and these days are bound to happen.

  4. This is such a beautiful post to read. I agree with you that it is okay not to be okay and if you feel depress it is okay to speak to your closed friends or to your loved ones and remember asking for a help is not a sign of weakness.

  5. This is a great post! I was recently in a funk and started going for walks every morning and I’ve started coming out of it. Self care is so important.


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