My Evening Cleansing and Anti-Ageing Skincare Routine

The Goddess Style of Beauty


As someone who regularly posts many photos of herself on social media platforms, mostly with makeup on, I do get asked about my cosmetics as well as my skincare and anti-ageing routine.

If you missed the news, our skin starts ageing from around the age of 25. Yup.. that young! I guess evolution hasn’t caught up with us. and 25 years old used to be middle age for thousands of our human years. So what do we need to do to hold on to the years?

My early story

One thing my mum has drilled in me from a very young age is to always look after my skin. And not just the skin on my face. I remember being only about 6 when these lessons started. She was a bridal make up artist on weekends so her work was beautifying women. I was her very young and enthusiastic assistant. One of the things her generation of Indonesian makeup artists did was to give every bride a good facial before their big weekend. Yes, in my culture, our wedding dos last a whole long weekend!

I remember her giving every bride a loving cleanse and plucking of stray hairs on the Friday evening of their big day. Many of them were hard-working women who have barely been to a salon in their lives. These memories may not have made me want to be a makeup artist, but it did one thing. It has reinforced in me the need to look after my skin. That’s the only one I have for life.

I think I spend more money on skincare than I do cosmetics! I am not keen to pay more than £24 for a designer lipstick no matter how much fancy ingredients they claim to have. Yet I am perfectly happy to splash £25 for a bottle of cleansing water. (This is what I had done last year skincare wise)

20 years ago

When I married my husband I was so happy to know that my (now late) FIL is a pharmacologist specialising in dermatology. He has created a few skincare potions for some well-known brands especially for people with dermatology issues (like eczema and psoriasis). I used to get approached by lots of MLM companies claiming that their products were the bee’s knees. I will almost always ask for the disclosure of the full ingredients. This was the time when full ingredients lists were not necessary on the box). I’ll then send it on to my FIL. He would tell me how much it costs to put this particular lotion or cream together and what it’s actual efficacy will be.

Fast forward to today

I always religiously read the full ingredients lists. I am pretty much familiar with most chemicals and those I don’t, I will quickly google them while shopping (thank God for high-speed 4G eh?). So it’s up to me now to either accept one or two dodgy ingredients or go for as much natural as possible.

My anti-ageing gig today

This video is my nightly anti-ageing routine which differs slightly from my daily routine. Instead of a vigorous anti-ageing massage, I do a more relaxing-ready-for-bed massage. As you can see, my skincare doesn’t cost a bomb. It’s suitable for someone in her 20’s or in her 40’s like me.

Enjoy watching!

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  1. Mayuri Patel
    Skin care is paramount especially in this time and age when pollution, chemicals etc contribute to the skin aging earlier. A good facial wash at least thrice a dat and a turmeric scrub is what I've grown up with.
  2. Joanna
    Taking care of your skin is so important, I think that by now we all are aware of all those chemicals that make-up has. I was thought the same thing, always clean your skin, never go to bed with make-up on.