Simple Hack to be Happy & Positive Instantly


For many of us consuming digital information these days, it’s hard not to notice that there’s more negative news than there are positive. You have to look really hard to find that snippet of happy, sunshiney nugget of positivity. 

It’s no wonder that many young people today admitted they are easily depressed and feel low more than they feel high. So is there a way out easily?

Besides stopping reading the (mainly negative) news completely, how about doing something easy enough to turn your world upside down? Literally?

Here’s my simple trick which I’ve used every. single. day to be happy, no matter how s**te I feel that morning. 

Once you’ve practised this hack for at least 2 weeks, (every day), come back here and tell me the difference it’s made to you. I would love to hear what you think!

xx Goddess Mama Ar’nie