Tag: Anti Ageing

So many products are being produced out there, touted to help you in keeping ageing at bay. From Botox to dermal massage rollers to facelifts. SO many are scarily invasive and can be dangerous. Reading by chance an article on Daily Mail about ageing and the ancient art...
https://youtu.be/yPRj-i71J7k I am very blessed I feel, to come from a family that values health over money. As I mentioned in my video, my mother's side is Indonesian and in that culture, we grew up with massages. Babies get massaged as soon as they are born (within 3 days) and so...
Happy Youthful Female Face
So as you now know, I had a few topics that I wanted to share with you, one of which was suggested to my husband after reading a report. It had so much to do with my "Engaged Parenting" method. Unfortunately having a poorly child for the last 1.5 weeks...

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