Tag: Beauty

So many products are being produced out there, touted to help you in keeping ageing at bay. From Botox to dermal massage rollers to facelifts. SO many are scarily invasive and can be dangerous. Reading by chance an article on Daily Mail about ageing and the ancient art...
As some of you may know, I come from a culture where beauty is more than skin deep. My mother and grandmother, who are Indonesians by birth and heritage, are big on natural remedies and holistic health. I was taught from very young to love and appreciate...
http://youtu.be/5-7BYi6Rj8M Yes, I indeed wrote ageing in my title. Even though my heart feels so far from 'middle age', my skin is definitely not agreeing with my soul. The skin starts to age from around age 25. Even more so for our facial skin, it suffers the most changes. From...

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