Tag: children

My miracle no.4 child is like me in so many ways. Yet she doesn't look like me. I suspect she's most probably having ADHD (like me), is very good with little details and is highly emotionally in tune to people and environment. Since she was a wee toddler, she's always loved...
I was asked initially to share my story of being an ethnic minority mum in Nappy Valley where there are so many known Yummy Mummies. What was it like to be the different one? When I already always feel different growing up. It's not any easier navigating social circles...
So...this post might offend some people who might not be comfortable with talk of sex or sexuality so please click away now. OK, you're still here? Great! In our household, we have always believed that children need to learn about sexuality or be educated about it from an early age. Hence...
Last year October, just when I thought I couldn’t miss my husband any more after more than 2 weeks apart (for my Master course in NLP Coaching) we met up in Nice Airport, France to big hugs and kisses. We proceeded to San Remo, Italy (across the border) to...
There are so many things in Life that are very important to a man (or woman to those who prefer). Air, water and food are the 3 basic needs in order to SURVIVE. On a physiological level, that is all very true. But what about not just surviving, but...

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