Tag: expat

I was asked initially to share my story of being an ethnic minority mum in Nappy Valley where there are so many known Yummy Mummies. What was it like to be the different one? When I already always feel different growing up. It's not any easier navigating social circles...
  Wow!! I can't believe, in a way, that within 3 months of making the decision to move back to England to be with the Mr. (who was already working in London for the past year) I'm already here. Boxes are ALMOST all unpacked and we're slowly settling into a...
  Labels! Labels! Labels! From birth to death, we are given titles and labels to define who we are. Whether it is self-given or put on by society at large, at one time or another, a label is named after our name unofficially. I am at another stage in my life...
Last night, I was invited to have dinner with another couple, parents of DD2's classmate. This boy was Amelia’s ‘best boyfriend’, the one she wants to marry when she’s 28, apparently. Just like us, they too are in a mixed marriage. And just like us, it was fascinating to...
As some of you may know, I have always had the wanderlust. I left home pretty early to seek out a career, a passion and to see the world. I have been blessed to be able to do that, meeting people from all over the world in the course...

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