Tag: Experience

  I am sitting in a Virgin train on my way to Edinburgh as I am typing this. A couple of friends have asked, whatever for? I told them for reasons of love and gratitude. This trip is for my daughter. My eldest daughter, my first teacher in my journey as a...
As I mentioned in my last post, my birthday came up on June 4th. I'm turning 40! I finally am no longer in my thirties. As a friend gently reminded me, I am actually entering my FIFTH decade (thanks!! Cough cough!). LOL... The...
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2SGndgwTWs] I didn't like that I stopped being consistent in showcasing a video a week on my YouTube channel. I wanted to get back into the regularity but without any help at home, I became a little overwhelmed with the amount of work coming my way. I recorded this episode...
  Wow!! I can't believe, in a way, that within 3 months of making the decision to move back to England to be with the Mr. (who was already working in London for the past year) I'm already here. Boxes are ALMOST all unpacked and we're slowly settling into a...

What Would You Do?

I got into my car this morning and saw something round gleaming in the drinks' holder. I looked closer and saw what seemed to be a large golden ring. I picked it up, had a good look at it and wondered how it got into my car in the...

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