Tag: food

Well.. For those who've read my writings and followed me for a while will know that I'm not the type for New Year's resolutions. I find it a little corny as many I know who makes them, ended up losing it within the 1st quarter of the year. I believe...
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2SGndgwTWs] I didn't like that I stopped being consistent in showcasing a video a week on my YouTube channel. I wanted to get back into the regularity but without any help at home, I became a little overwhelmed with the amount of work coming my way. I recorded this episode...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DV2lYXsV51Y   We love leftovers in this house!! Leftovers seems to be tastier and it makes me feel good to be able to 'recycle' the food to be another recipe. Roasted chickens (or turkey for that matter) would already have it's own taste and spices marinated on to it the first time...
Most, if not all Asians like me, love food. Any kind of food really. There are also many other societies, not just the Asians, which use food as a means of (a social) gathering people together, to show love and comfort. I grew up knowing a lot about food. My...
Wow! Time flies when you’re having fun they say, well ‘they’ are too right! I felt like I’ve just professed my love for my perfect other half (significant other) just recently and today we’re crossing another milestone, another year of married life. Hmm…it’s so hard to believe that these ‘young at...

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