Tag: goddess

Pssstt...I have a secret! Yes, I have a secret to tell you about Valentine's Day and my other half. I was going to write a post about how meaningful Mondays are to me but since today, being February 14th and all, I HAD to write about it...
https://youtu.be/Z9Iqfi0ulxw   The first in what will be a series of interview-style chats with women whom I think are amazing in their own rights. The first one is a dear friend, Zahra Andersen. She is an Afghani Dane who is now based in London due to her husband's job. She trained in...
7 Top Tips to Love Yourself One of the basic needs of every child born in this world is love. Besides food, water and air, in order to grow to be a healthy child and then adult, this child must be given love and lots of care and kindness. Sometimes, some...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHoNQA86X3c Do you suffer from bad cramps and bloating during 'that time of the month'? Join me as I share with you tips as a professional therapist and my experience of using my Belly Goddess Dance therapy to help me every month. In fact some of the moves can help with general...
Today we celebrate Mothers Day. Or specifically in the United Kingdom, Mothering Sunday. It is not traditionally to be confused with the American Mothers Day, of which I'm much more used to celebrating these past 16 years.   Mothering Sunday is the fourth Sunday of Lent. Although it's often called Mothers'...
Being a mother means understanding that your children are never really your own. They belong to the world so the best thing we can do is prepare them for that world in which they will ultimately belong. Yet, as someone who loves being a mum and spending time with her...

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