Tag: goddess coaching

7 Top Tips to Love Yourself One of the basic needs of every child born in this world is love. Besides food, water and air, in order to grow to be a healthy child and then adult, this child must be given love and lots of care and kindness. Sometimes, some...
https://youtu.be/I-K9KC_qQ44 Everything I needed to say that day has been spoken. I hope we start the conversation going and make it deeper this time. Please feel free to SHARE and SHARE. I don't want another friend to cry like I did. Please feel free to share with me your thoughts, either...
So...this post might offend some people who might not be comfortable with talk of sex or sexuality so please click away now. OK, you're still here? Great! In our household, we have always believed that children need to learn about sexuality or be educated about it from an early age. Hence...
As mentioned, I have been messaged a few times by some of my readers asking me what are the products I used when I travel. After the episode of travelling alone with my 4 kids and taking about 20 hours door to door, I posted a picture of all of us looking...
Being a mother means understanding that your children are never really your own. They belong to the world so the best thing we can do is prepare them for that world in which they will ultimately belong. Yet, as someone who loves being a mum and spending time with her...
As I mentioned in my last post, my birthday came up on June 4th. I'm turning 40! I finally am no longer in my thirties. As a friend gently reminded me, I am actually entering my FIFTH decade (thanks!! Cough cough!). LOL... The...

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