Tag: goddess style

Having had my colourful hair now for almost 2.5 years has meant a lot of time spent taking good care of it. I have had to relearn certain things about hair care and maintenance especially in regards to bleached hair. When I...
I have run classes and workshops on how to dance and walk like a goddess and in 2 of the season classes, I'll always try to get my ladies to bring along their shoes so they can learn to walk in them...
I don't go shopping as often as people think. Even though I'm a clothes horse! Many of my pieces in my cupboard are years old, due to the fact that I've always been a size 8/10 for about 20 yrs now. I started going shopping for my own pieces when...
https://youtu.be/Z9Iqfi0ulxw   The first in what will be a series of interview-style chats with women whom I think are amazing in their own rights. The first one is a dear friend, Zahra Andersen. She is an Afghani Dane who is now based in London due to her husband's job. She trained in...

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