Tag: goddess

As I mentioned in my last post, my birthday came up on June 4th. I'm turning 40! I finally am no longer in my thirties. As a friend gently reminded me, I am actually entering my FIFTH decade (thanks!! Cough cough!). LOL... The...
I mentioned in my last post how after my operation, my health has gone down the drain a little bit and it hasn't been helped with all the stresses of an international move. But a true fighter doesn't let a little setback keep him/her down. I have started a new...
  Yes! It has been another weekend filled with events. Tiring, running-around-while-DH-is here kind of weekend. It didn’t help that I was having a cold. I was thankful that it didn’t last as long as flu, no fever, no chills. Despite a slightly blocked nose, I feel good today and...
My last post was all about me releasing things that were just excess baggage in my life, literally. I had to say goodbye to things that I know I worked really hard for to buy and own, and used with love they were. (well cared for/preloved) Many of those things I'm...
Wow! Time flies when you’re having fun they say, well ‘they’ are too right! I felt like I’ve just professed my love for my perfect other half (significant other) just recently and today we’re crossing another milestone, another year of married life. Hmm…it’s so hard to believe that these ‘young at...
I was just thinking of writing a Fabulous Friday post with more beauty tips, but breaking news from the BBC website and Twitter feed talking about this, changed my direction. I heard about the devastation caused by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan (and soon across the Pacific...

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