Tag: happiness

  Wow!! I can't believe, in a way, that within 3 months of making the decision to move back to England to be with the Mr. (who was already working in London for the past year) I'm already here. Boxes are ALMOST all unpacked and we're slowly settling into a...
There are many people that still don't understand what is Life Coaching in this part of the world. When I mentioned that I am a certified Life Coach, I get quite a few blank stares. The first association that comes to people's minds is sports. They can imagine a...
Do you believe in serendipity? Or coincidences? Or chances? Or maybe some of you believe in fate? Today when I was out and about in town, I had an idea that I wanted to go to a particular boutique in Pavilion. Yet when I reached the floor where the boutique...
Recently, I was invited to be a ‘VIP guest’ and speaker at the first official gathering of the newly formed Afro-Asian Association.  Even though it was a last minute invite and then told of the speaking request a few hours before the dinner, I agreed and took on the...
Fatty boom boom! Chubby Checker! Roly poly of fat! Wide load... These and many more are names that have been labelled or put upon by both friends and tormentors because of your size. Doctors just call overweight people obese or morbidly obese, depending on the percentage of overweightness. Sticks and stones may break...
In the history of the working world, many office workers have been dreading the end of Sunday (the weekend) and the start of Monday (the working week). As a self-employed entrepreneur, I haven't had to deal with this emotion in a long, long time. But I must admit, I...

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