Tag: health

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHoNQA86X3c Do you suffer from bad cramps and bloating during 'that time of the month'? Join me as I share with you tips as a professional therapist and my experience of using my Belly Goddess Dance therapy to help me every month. In fact some of the moves can help with general...
https://youtu.be/qQf3b7y4KNI I was admitted at exactly 11am and for the first time since visiting the dermatology department of St George's hospital, there was no delay. No chance for me to even open that barely read the magazine! Despite the department being the busiest I have even seen it. Throngs of...
Smile your best smile! Running a household involves a lot of budgeting and of course it doesn't get cheaper the more kids you have. In my time as a mum, I've heard too many times from friends and family...
When I was invited to be interviewed by Singapore's flagship Malay newspaper, Berita Harian, I was naturally excited and super elated. A newspaper interview is another way of sharing the joy of my work and the passion it comes with. It was smile inducing to see my blurb on the...
Many of my personal contacts on my FB personal profile would have read my personal note about my health problems recently. Besides finally getting an answer to all my health woes, I am becoming even more convinced that many people should be more concerned about the rise of diseases...
Most, if not all Asians like me, love food. Any kind of food really. There are also many other societies, not just the Asians, which use food as a means of (a social) gathering people together, to show love and comfort. I grew up knowing a lot about food. My...

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