Tag: Kuala Lumpur

Today is the first proper weekend since my London living husband is here with me in Malaysia. So today, after picking up DD2 Millie from school, as we were driving home in the rain, I casually asked hubby "Shall we go on a date tonight?" "Where do you want to go?...
Do you believe in serendipity? Or coincidences? Or chances? Or maybe some of you believe in fate? Today when I was out and about in town, I had an idea that I wanted to go to a particular boutique in Pavilion. Yet when I reached the floor where the boutique...
My mum was present at the birth of my second daughter, in England. Most of us love our mums. We dedicate a whole Sunday to her in may parts of the world. In fact, the UK just celebrated Mothering Sunday a few days...

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