Tag: Life

There are many people that still don't understand what is Life Coaching in this part of the world. When I mentioned that I am a certified Life Coach, I get quite a few blank stares. The first association that comes to people's minds is sports. They can imagine a...
Photo Credit: Flickr/Mark Rantal A very good and prosperous Chinese Lunar New Year to everyone celebrating this season! Even if you're not Chinese or believe in this season, it's a good time to learn a thing or two. This is the turn of the Snake to rule the new year...
This is the start of another week, have you decided how it should be for you? Many people wake up in the morning, go to the bathroom, get dressed for work, get in their office, have lunch, go home, eat dinner then go to bed. Repeat daily. What happens in...
There are so many things in Life that are very important to a man (or woman to those who prefer). Air, water and food are the 3 basic needs in order to SURVIVE. On a physiological level, that is all very true. But what about not just surviving, but...
Today I wanted to share what I have suddenly realized after weeks and months and years of sending my DD1 to her horse riding lessons. Giving my mummy’s encouragement and sharing lessons I’ve learnt as a rider myself. I mean, week in, week out seeing similar things, you’re bound...
  Labels! Labels! Labels! From birth to death, we are given titles and labels to define who we are. Whether it is self-given or put on by society at large, at one time or another, a label is named after our name unofficially. I am at another stage in my life...

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