Tag: life coaching

I've decided that I will aim to post a Belly Goddess Dance Therapy tutorial every Friday on to my YouTube channel. And that same Friday I'll post a fun 1-minute dance video onto my Instagram account as Funky Friday. It's been hard work to make it happen in between my...
          This lesson, though I received it young, served to be my founding stone on my journey to happiness. I have started sharing it again after almost 24 years (yes...you can guess my age now) keeping it quiet. I met my 1st serious boyfriend, a young Dutch man, who was doing...
Well.. For those who've read my writings and followed me for a while will know that I'm not the type for New Year's resolutions. I find it a little corny as many I know who makes them, ended up losing it within the 1st quarter of the year. I believe...
As I mentioned in my last post, my birthday came up on June 4th. I'm turning 40! I finally am no longer in my thirties. As a friend gently reminded me, I am actually entering my FIFTH decade (thanks!! Cough cough!). LOL... The...
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2SGndgwTWs] I didn't like that I stopped being consistent in showcasing a video a week on my YouTube channel. I wanted to get back into the regularity but without any help at home, I became a little overwhelmed with the amount of work coming my way. I recorded this episode...
The United Kingdom celebrates Mothering Sunday today. It's my first year celebrating it again in March after 7 years away. For most of my motherhood, it's always been celebrated in May. If I'm honest, I'm not really big on celebrating this day. I believe children should already be celebrating their...

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