Tag: life coaching malaysia

When I was invited to be interviewed by Singapore's flagship Malay newspaper, Berita Harian, I was naturally excited and super elated. A newspaper interview is another way of sharing the joy of my work and the passion it comes with. It was smile inducing to see my blurb on the...
There are many people that still don't understand what is Life Coaching in this part of the world. When I mentioned that I am a certified Life Coach, I get quite a few blank stares. The first association that comes to people's minds is sports. They can imagine a...
Today is the first proper weekend since my London living husband is here with me in Malaysia. So today, after picking up DD2 Millie from school, as we were driving home in the rain, I casually asked hubby "Shall we go on a date tonight?" "Where do you want to go?...
So what exactly is this Master Coaching group all about, you ask? Well, as a certified Weight Loss Master Coach, you will be my Master coachee, I guess. Seriously, this is the perfect opportunity to get in touch with your mind and body for once, and find out why and...

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