Tag: London

https://youtu.be/qQf3b7y4KNI I was admitted at exactly 11am and for the first time since visiting the dermatology department of St George's hospital, there was no delay. No chance for me to even open that barely read the magazine! Despite the department being the busiest I have even seen it. Throngs of...
As I mentioned in my last post, my birthday came up on June 4th. I'm turning 40! I finally am no longer in my thirties. As a friend gently reminded me, I am actually entering my FIFTH decade (thanks!! Cough cough!). LOL... The...
The United Kingdom celebrates Mothering Sunday today. It's my first year celebrating it again in March after 7 years away. For most of my motherhood, it's always been celebrated in May. If I'm honest, I'm not really big on celebrating this day. I believe children should already be celebrating their...
  Wow!! I can't believe, in a way, that within 3 months of making the decision to move back to England to be with the Mr. (who was already working in London for the past year) I'm already here. Boxes are ALMOST all unpacked and we're slowly settling into a...

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