Tag: Love

Pssstt...I have a secret! Yes, I have a secret to tell you about Valentine's Day and my other half. I was going to write a post about how meaningful Mondays are to me but since today, being February 14th and all, I HAD to write about it...
7 Top Tips to Love Yourself One of the basic needs of every child born in this world is love. Besides food, water and air, in order to grow to be a healthy child and then adult, this child must be given love and lots of care and kindness. Sometimes, some...
Click the link below to read the full article. Mail Online Ar'nie Krogh 3.04.16 2
I'm writing this post exactly on 4th May 2015. The first day of the last month of my last decade before it becomes the new. In exactly a month, I'll be entering my next decade. My fifth decade. I'll be turning 40. Oh boy, this may make me sound like...
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2SGndgwTWs] I didn't like that I stopped being consistent in showcasing a video a week on my YouTube channel. I wanted to get back into the regularity but without any help at home, I became a little overwhelmed with the amount of work coming my way. I recorded this episode...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ew5Wb_dfu7c I have been asked quite a lot how I seemed to always be happy, no matter what my day has been like. What is my 'secret' to always smiling and looking so joyful? Well, this is one of them. We must remember happiness is a not a destination, it is a...

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