Tag: Love

There are so many things in Life that are very important to a man (or woman to those who prefer). Air, water and food are the 3 basic needs in order to SURVIVE. On a physiological level, that is all very true. But what about not just surviving, but...
Last night, I was invited to have dinner with another couple, parents of DD2's classmate. This boy was Amelia’s ‘best boyfriend’, the one she wants to marry when she’s 28, apparently. Just like us, they too are in a mixed marriage. And just like us, it was fascinating to...
I was just thinking of writing a Fabulous Friday post with more beauty tips, but breaking news from the BBC website and Twitter feed talking about this, changed my direction. I heard about the devastation caused by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan (and soon across the Pacific...
  Everyone looks forward to the weekend. Bar residents of a few Middle Eastern states where the weekend is Friday and Saturday, most of us look forward to Friday to start relaxing. Why not, right? We have all worked really, really hard Mondays to Fridays, slogging away at our jobs,...
As promised, this is my first official topic and blog write up. It's only appropriate that I begin with a Friday as it's all about Friendships (and Family of course!) Growing up in a South East Asian culture where our family is a big part of our culture, I was surrounded...

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