Tag: married

Pssstt...I have a secret! Yes, I have a secret to tell you about Valentine's Day and my other half. I was going to write a post about how meaningful Mondays are to me but since today, being February 14th and all, I HAD to write about it...
There are many people that still don't understand what is Life Coaching in this part of the world. When I mentioned that I am a certified Life Coach, I get quite a few blank stares. The first association that comes to people's minds is sports. They can imagine a...
  Labels! Labels! Labels! From birth to death, we are given titles and labels to define who we are. Whether it is self-given or put on by society at large, at one time or another, a label is named after our name unofficially. I am at another stage in my life...
Last night, I was invited to have dinner with another couple, parents of DD2's classmate. This boy was Amelia’s ‘best boyfriend’, the one she wants to marry when she’s 28, apparently. Just like us, they too are in a mixed marriage. And just like us, it was fascinating to...
  Everyone looks forward to the weekend. Bar residents of a few Middle Eastern states where the weekend is Friday and Saturday, most of us look forward to Friday to start relaxing. Why not, right? We have all worked really, really hard Mondays to Fridays, slogging away at our jobs,...

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