Tag: mental health

Photos of mood of happiness and sadnessvideo
https://youtu.be/zsEqZu0qzeg As you can see from my vlog, I've been feeling overwhelmed but somehow underwhelmed at times. It's what you call 'feeling out of sorts'. That is the feeling when someone asks you how you're feeling, all you can imagine replying is...
I know everyone's talking about New Year's Resolutions, new year changes, yadda, yadda, yadda... and I'm not those type of person. I hate the words "New Year's resolutions" as those goals made have been shown to fail 80% of the time by the end of the first...
7 Top Tips to Love Yourself One of the basic needs of every child born in this world is love. Besides food, water and air, in order to grow to be a healthy child and then adult, this child must be given love and lots of care and kindness. Sometimes, some...
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1QgrB2V0bc?rel=0] Top Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Weight and Size Know your body- How well do you know your actual bone size? What has been your consistent weight growing up and in your youth? And how much did you put on during your pregnancies for example? Knowing your body intimately...

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