Tag: parenting

We are a family who loves discovering food just as much as we love travelling. Yet we are quite a 'geeky' family who loves science (with my other half's family working in the science field for at least 3 generations) and nature and try to be...
Today we celebrate Mothers Day. Or specifically in the United Kingdom, Mothering Sunday. It is not traditionally to be confused with the American Mothers Day, of which I'm much more used to celebrating these past 16 years.   Mothering Sunday is the fourth Sunday of Lent. Although it's often called Mothers'...
So...this post might offend some people who might not be comfortable with talk of sex or sexuality so please click away now. OK, you're still here? Great! In our household, we have always believed that children need to learn about sexuality or be educated about it from an early age. Hence...
Being a mother means understanding that your children are never really your own. They belong to the world so the best thing we can do is prepare them for that world in which they will ultimately belong. Yet, as someone who loves being a mum and spending time with her...
People used to wonder and asked me why I hated working in an office or for a company. I myself used to wonder why I feel that way when I started working after school. The answer came to me when I, unfortunately, had to quit a job as a...

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