Tag: positivity

7 Top Tips to Love Yourself One of the basic needs of every child born in this world is love. Besides food, water and air, in order to grow to be a healthy child and then adult, this child must be given love and lots of care and kindness. Sometimes, some...
I'm sure many students of the English language have heard of this idiom before. For those not familiar, it is an idiom used to mean that people who are similar tend to hang around each other- Asians with Asians, Americans with other Americans, intellects with other intellects, actors with...
This is the start of another week, have you decided how it should be for you? Many people wake up in the morning, go to the bathroom, get dressed for work, get in their office, have lunch, go home, eat dinner then go to bed. Repeat daily. What happens in...
My last post was all about me releasing things that were just excess baggage in my life, literally. I had to say goodbye to things that I know I worked really hard for to buy and own, and used with love they were. (well cared for/preloved) Many of those things I'm...

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