Tag: working

I mentioned in my last post how after my operation, my health has gone down the drain a little bit and it hasn't been helped with all the stresses of an international move. But a true fighter doesn't let a little setback keep him/her down. I have started a new...
Now that the non-holiday cobwebs are slowly leaving my foggy lack-of-sleep brain, I have to get back to reality of life here in The Hague. That reality is that we are moving away from here to set up life in the Swiss/French border due to my DH’s new job. I’ve...
  Labels! Labels! Labels! From birth to death, we are given titles and labels to define who we are. Whether it is self-given or put on by society at large, at one time or another, a label is named after our name unofficially. I am at another stage in my life...
In the history of the working world, many office workers have been dreading the end of Sunday (the weekend) and the start of Monday (the working week). As a self-employed entrepreneur, I haven't had to deal with this emotion in a long, long time. But I must admit, I...
  Everyone looks forward to the weekend. Bar residents of a few Middle Eastern states where the weekend is Friday and Saturday, most of us look forward to Friday to start relaxing. Why not, right? We have all worked really, really hard Mondays to Fridays, slogging away at our jobs,...

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