The Difference Between a Cold and Flu – My Experience

The Style of Wellness


I was planning on another beauty vlog/blog for this week but then last week I got ill. Very, very ill that all plans were scuppered and energy went out the window.

I was talking to a couple of old friends from SE Asia who were messaging me about my Facebook post on being ill. As one does, I sent out an “SOS” post on FB feeling a little sorry for myself being ill while the husband was away.

It became clear to me that many people I spoke to didn’t really realise that even though the cold and flu are both caused by viruses, they are 2 completely different viri. They both present similar symptoms to each other with some subtle yet major differences.

Since I had a cold in October last year when I was in Frankfurt and now I am down with the flu, I decided to film the symptom differences and how I felt on Day 5 of my illness. Here I am in my sniffly glory.

Below is a handy guide if you have no time to watch my vlog but want to quickly scan for visual clues.

For some more reading linked to above pictorial:


    This is very great and informative article. I though its the same. Thanks for sharing this guide. Its really a big help to know what's the different in those two.
  2. AMY
    It became very clear to me what are those symptoms. because before when i feel cold i thought it was a FLU. Thank you for this information. Great!
  3. Jasmine M
    I honestly never really realized that it was a difference between a cold or the flu. I am bookmarking this for the future so that I'll be able to know whether I have the cold or the flu.