Upper Body and Arms Workout with Serpentine Arms

The Goddess Style of Dancing


I spent a bit of time recently either sleeping or slouching on the sofa feeling poorly, as you do, when I was down with the flu for 11 days. This means my back felt sluggish and actually a little like it was dying.

In traditional Asian medicinal belief, the ‘chi’ or energy doesn’t flow well when you’re having the flu. In order to heal properly, you need to get the energy flowing up and down your spine again.

This next technique I’m sharing is great as an upper body workout and to help improve the energy flow. I have been asked quite often if I was a swimmer due to my strong deltoids and upper back. I don’t swim often but this move is like swimming on air. You will feel the burn the longer you do it and the slower you go.


  1. This looks like a great way to exercise without going to the gym. I’ve been really busy lately and I’ve skipped the gym, so I might to this workout whilst I’m taking breaks from working.


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