When Your 6 Year Old Wants to be Vegetarian


My miracle no.4 child is like me in so many ways. Yet she doesn’t look like me.

I suspect she’s most probably having ADHD (like me), is very good with little details and is highly emotionally in tune to people and environment.

Since she was a wee toddler, she’s always loved fruits and veggies. She could happily munch on cucumber and tomatoes as much as she does Smarties.

I’ve always thought she was lactose intolerant like I am and her 2 other siblings. So she knows she can’t go eating any milk products until I give the go ahead.

A bad episode of bronchi infection and months of prolonged coughing took us to the hospital where it’s revealed she’s actually allergic to all dairy products. This is the beginning of her own food journey.

She knows that she can no longer enjoy milk or cheese unless it’s specifically sheep or goats milk. After a while, she started to ask more questions about food. She would also be the one to point out to me that I’m potentially feeding her something I shouldn’t.

Since this happened about a year ago, her preference for veggies and carbs increased. She ate less and less of the meat we placed on her plate but would polished off the veggies and potatoes/pasta.

We’ve noticed her preference quietly and didn’t say anything except to encourage her to eat her meat protein as much as possible.

It wasn’t until we moved to Spain recently that she openly said ‘Mummy I don’t want to eat animals anymore. They are all so cute!’

We thought it was a little funny but realised she was serious. She would order chicken nuggets and chips from the kids meal but would leave the nuggets alone. A little cajoling to eat some nuggets would make her upset.

Anyway here’s a small clip from ‘the horse’s mouth’ so to say. I thought it’ll be quite fun to let her address my subscribers and share her new choice.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LW7oLcDrKBU[/embedyt]

The Goddess Style Channel
