Why My Life is Like a Box of Chocolates- Happiness Part 2


I didn’t like that I stopped being consistent in showcasing a video a week on my YouTube channel. I wanted to get back into the regularity but without any help at home, I became a little overwhelmed with the amount of work coming my way.

I recorded this episode 2 weeks ago but been having issues to post in online. Anyway, 2 days ago, an iconic Singaporean and world leader passed on. Mr Lee Kuan Yew or affectionate known as LKY, died of old age. My bereavement just continued. I couldn’t be any sadder. Just like my father in law, they were both father to many people. Both have lessons for many people who’s lives they have touched. Be it good or bad.

Let me know what you think of this life lesson that I’ve learned. Can you adopt this lesson too?